The Immersion Process and Structure of Each Volume

Basic book structure

Each book contains an introduction, four or more units, and an appendix containing all words and forms encountered in the volume, as well as full speed versions of each of the learning videos.


Each volume begins with a brief, simple introduction, instructions, and overview of what will be learned, as well as a memory text put to music.

Unit Structure

The progression of immersion begins with a video of pictures and audio where students intuitively discover the meaning of what they are hearing and seeing. They are shown a picture or brief animation and then the picture is described three times (slowly with each word distinct, moderately paced, and finally at conversational speed). They learn with the ear first, before they see the text. This video should be repeated until the student has mastered the meaning of each slide and has practiced repeating each word or phrase. They then complete a hearing quiz, which lets them know whether they should re-watch the video, or if they can move on to the next part of the unit.

This semi-immersive process of hearing, speaking, and reading helps students internalize the vocab, grammar, and syntax of each lesson.

Following the quiz, students explore some of the vocabulary, grammar, or syntax that is of special focus and was presented in the video. That unit’s video is then repeated, this time with the Greek text displayed as a subtitle. This video should be repeated until the student can read aloud and understand each slide’s word or phrase. This video is followed by a reading quiz to determine how well they have understood the session. By the end of each unit, students should have watched the videos multiple times, learned how to recognize words by hearing and by sight, and have practiced repeating and reading aloud the words and phrases. This semi-immersive process of hearing, speaking, and reading helps students internalize the vocab, grammar, and syntax of each lesson. This process supports student learning in an immersive classroom.